Chief editor of Aktuálně.cz steps down after seven months
Disagreements with management over future direction of online daily cited as reason for resignation.
Disagreements with management over future direction of online daily cited as reason for resignation.
Unlike other European countries, the Czech Republic will not abolish TV licence fees. Ministry of Culture looks to neighbouring Germany for inspiration.
CEE video-on-demand service Voyo targets growth with TV Nova's original productions.
The Chamber of Deputies has voted on the appointment of new members to the public service media oversight bodies.
The Czech investment group is expanding its media business. It has acquired a stake in the German company ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE.
Candidates have until 17 April 2023 to apply for the six-year position.
Supreme Administrative Court rules out re-election and compensation for the three largest television channels.
Czech viewers aged 15+ spent an average of 3 hours 44 minutes watching TV last year. That's two minutes more than in 2019.
The Czech government abolishes the post of Commissioner for Combating Disinformation and transfers the agenda to the National Security Advisor.
One of the Czech Republic's richest businessmen, coal tycoon Pavel Tykač, is considering his first media investment.
The Ferdinand Peroutka Society has announced the winners of its prestigious annual journalism awards.
The Czech government is considering various ways to combat disinformation.