Senate rejects ANO's proposal to exempt seniors from broadcasting fees

The Senate did not support ANO movement's proposal to exempt all seniors and people with disabilities from paying radio and television fees. Senators pointed out that the Chamber of Deputies is currently addressing media amendment legislation where ANO is proposing the same change.
"We live in a time when prices of food, energy, and basic necessities have dramatically increased, and many seniors and disabled people face existential uncertainty. This proposal expands the group of people who would be exempt from these fees, which is not only fair but also humane," said Senator Jana Mračková Vildumetzová (ANO), representing the proposal's authors.
Senator David Smoljak (STAN) argued that the Senate bill makes no sense and no country exempts such a broad category of residents from fees. "I must say that even in our country, those with low incomes are already exempt from paying fees. The law already states that those with income lower than approximately twice the subsistence minimum are exempt from this obligation," he reminded.
Senator David Šimek (for KDU-ČSL) from Svitavy mentioned that Czech Radio organized a meeting with citizens in his town, where the radio director answered questions about fee increases. "There were 450 seniors there. Director General René Zavoral explained the reasons behind it. I was completely amazed by the incredible applause in the hall. It was clearly evident that nobody had a problem with any increase, that they believe quality public media deserve this amount. It's not an amount that would financially burden them," he described his experience.
Another of the bill's proponents, Senator Tomáš Navrátil (ANO), reiterated his party's current position that ideally the fees should be completely abolished. "I generally perceive the increase in television and radio transmission fees as inadequate. We're mandating something for people without knowing whether they use this service. I have a problem with these fees being paid at all. It's another indirect tax and should already be included in the state budget."
"If we want to be effective and fast, let's not create parallel law proposals that are already in the Chamber of Deputies waiting for the third and final reading," appealed KDU-ČSL Senator Josef Klement. The Chamber's final vote on the media amendment is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5.
Senator Michael Canov (SLK) noted that even if senators supported the proposal, there's no chance to complete the legislative process in the current election period. "The aim of the submitted proposal is only one thing: to show all citizens of this country that all of us except the ANO initiators are inhuman, that we don't think about pensioners or disabled people, that we wish them only the worst, and that the only one who thinks about them is the ANO movement," Michael Canov believes.
Thirty-five out of 55 present senators voted to reject the proposal. Twelve legislators voted against rejection, eleven of them from the ANO senate club, joined by Jiří Čunek from KDU-ČSL.